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Anchor 2


·     Developing a regular exercise routine suited to you

·     Sleep assessment and hygiene

·     Fatigue and pain management education

·     Addressing low mood using Acceptance Commitment    Therapy 

·     Nervous system regulation with education and breathing techniques

Through assessment Jo will be able to create a personalised "Lifestyle Redesign" plan with you which may include the following:



Understanding the nature of pain, how we interpret it with a cognitive and emotional response. Apart from the physical pain, what else influences my pain? When pain turns from acute to persistent. 


There is no such thing as a pain free life. All of us experience fear, sadness, disappointment, rejection, failure, illness, injury and aging. As human beings we are in a continual state of change and it is a myth that we should feel happy all the time. Living a rich, full and meaningful life includes a range of challenges. 


Sessions focus on developing mental flexibility through being present with grounding techniques, helping regulate emotions. Setting goals which help with opening up and doing what matters - exploring values. Developing self-compassion - acknowledging there is pain but being there in a kind and caring way for yourself. Feeling accepted for who you are. 



Poor sleep stems from a variety of causes including medical, emotional and psychological factors. We all have the odd night when we don’t sleep well but if sleep is regularly unsettled it can impact on every part of your life resulting in slowed reaction times, impaired decision making, lowered stress tolerance and increased sensitivity to pain. Developing sound sleep habits can prevent neurological diseases such as dementia, allow you to function better cognitively, induce faster reaction times and better physical balance.



Involves understanding how the nervous system works and beneficial ways of calming. Bringing awareness to the way you breathe, pausing during the day, making time for creative activities, volunteering, expressive writing, and simple somatic exercises to draw an awareness of what’s going on in your body. 


Image by Sasun Bughdaryan
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Personal training with Prevention on Point is a service that supports you in developing a regular exercise routine. Personal training ensures targeted, well planned sessions . Whether you are recovering from an injury, stroke, cardiovascular event or have an illness that requires ongoing support with a personal trainer, the team will take you through a thorough assessment process to ensure the correct plan.


Jo incorporates the power plate as part of her personal training sessions. It doesn’t do the work for you (as Jo skeptically thought when she first tried it over 15 years ago) but it shortens your workout and improves your balance, strength, flexibility, mobility and general fitness, leaving you feeling alert and energised. How?


The power plate produces mechanical vibrations moving in three directions, this stimulates the body’s reflexes, causing alternating muscle contractions and relaxations. It is a fast, easy and enjoyable way of remaining strong and fit. Jo has had her own power plate for many years, attended courses and has trained others. Not only does it help the body physically, the power plate reduces stress hormones, placing the body into a relaxed state. With a therapeutic approach to the sessions, Jo incorporates somatic exercises which help to release chronically tight muscles through improving the communication and connection between your brain and body.


Suitable for all ages and abilities, including those with mobility issues, the power plate works holistically towards wellness, ticking many of the preventative health boxes as well as treating pain conditions and injuries. This is a time saving and effective exercise option supporting physical and mental health and wellbeing. The power plate recruits, stimulates and moves muscles at a fast pace, increasing circulation, bone density and lymphatic flow, whilst challenging the body’s sensory system (proprioceptors), and improving coordination and balance.

Anchor 4
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